Friday, 13 July 2012

Chocolate Boxes

I have been taken by surprise with a flurry of 'made to order' chocolate requests. I have just come through the other side feeling surprisingly transformed by the experience of creating something from nothing for the enjoyment of others.

I set out in the sunshine yesterday evening with this completed box of chocolates on the passenger seat of my car. Sometimes journeys create a calm suspension of time, setting a passenger still despite the steady rush of earth and sky, landscape and industry whizzing by.

After the busy, busy weeks behind me, I found myself calm, floating over the world as it rolled by beneath my tyres.

A pause.

A chance to feel a genuine sense of achievement.

To feel truly fortunate.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Urmston Bookshop

Cochoco chocolates on sale at
Urmston Bookshop.
Here's to new beginnings!
There’s something magical about good quality independent bookshops. The moment you enter, there is a frissance akin to the excitement that precedes a journey. You know you are going to discover something that will take you on an adventure. Or even better, you discover a perfect adventure, wrap it up in your own words of salutation and give it to a small child or loved one.

As independent bookshops go, they don’t get much better than my local one, Urmston Bookshop, run by Peter and Francis. There are always wonderful books, gifts and people in their book shop. It was a delight to take in a supply of chocolates and meet a children’s author, Steve Hartley, in the process.

Tipsy Raspberry Chocolates,
Aniseed Truffles, Lime Chocolates and
Butterscotch Chocolates

So… here we are. The beginning of an adventure as Urmston Bookshop take on my chocolates and the people of Urmston decide whether they are worth a good measure of their hard earned cash!